First we went to music. Then we practiced power of 10's in math.we went outside and had some fun at recess! Next,we read Charlotte's Web! So we took a quiz on Charlotte's Web and did some more work on character traits. During the test we all stood up and sang. After that we had a yummy lunch. We came back and had SSR. We talked about natural dissaters in science and we strated our big projects. All of us picked a Natural Disaster to research for the next few weeks. We fianally went home.
Samantha and Lindsey!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
We had a great day!
Today we started with doing Mrs.Ronnie's crazy hair! Then we went to P.E. After that we did a Thanksgiving readers theater. Next we had Buddies with Mrs.Green's class! Also we did Mr.Thornton, Mrs.Omiecenski,and Mrs.Judge's Kartchner Caverns presentations! Then we had some ( like a lot ) of Friendship stew that is also known as beef stew. Then we did SSR and we all read really cool books! After that we went out for afternoon recess. Next we took the speleothems quiz! Then we made some Harvest crafts we could do a pilgrim,a scarecrow,or a hand that has a poem on it. Lastly we watched a movie about Thanksgiving. Reminder, Tell your parents to get a journal 2 for math if you don't have one because if you don't you will have to write in those really bad math books that you cannot look back and look at how you did a problem and you cannot look back. Happy Thanksgiving!
Blogging Out!
Roxy! :)
Blogging Out!
Roxy! :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wonderful Wednesdays!
First,we did D.O.R.,then we had 9:00.When we came back we graded D.O.R..After that we did math:5.3-estimate sums.We handed out our math tests.I got a three!Nathan also got a three.Then we worked on our final drafts of our scarecrow stories. We both finished our scarecrows. After recess we learned about a bunch of speleothems. Ask your parents what a speleothem is? We also played Cave concentration and had some extra time to finish up math. After lunch we had time to catch up on all of our assignments and we even had time for study hall. Then we went home!
Remember that book orders are due tomorrow and start to get your journal 2s for next semester.
Bloggers out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Michael and Nathan)
Remember that book orders are due tomorrow and start to get your journal 2s for next semester.
Bloggers out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Michael and Nathan)
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Great Day At School!
Today we had lots of fun at school.First, we did DOR.Second, we went to music at 9:00.When we got back we graded DOR.After grading DOR we got our new spelling words for unit 11.Then, we took a time test.After that, we worked on extended multiplacation facts.Next, we worked on our scarecrow stories (editing and final copies).Then we went out to morning recess.It was really wet and cold!When we came in, we worked on our stories some more.Then we went to lunch and had rainy day schedule and we did kareoke instead of going to recess.Then we worked on our scarecrow stories AGAIN!!!!! After that we did science and learned about who discovered Kartchner Caverns! Who can say who discovered the cave? Then we had study hall and went home!Now you know about our great day at school!!!!!
Hannah and Olivia blogging out!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Go to Milers tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Hannah and Olivia blogging out!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Go to Milers tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Another day at school
This morning we corrected our ROL and then we went to library. Next we came back and corrected our math. After that we went to recess and had some fun. when we came back in we continued our Scarecrow stories. We headed to computers when we were done with our Scarecrow stories. Next, we went to lunch and again, headed out for recess. Right after recess we did science and learned about caves. Finally, we went to a third grade Ptriotic Performance. And then me and Jamie came back to blog. We had a great day. EVERYONE DONT FORGET TO GO TO MILERS ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY!!!!!!!BRING A WATER BOTTLE AND A GUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloggers Out! by : Rachel and Jamie
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011!
Can you believe that we've been a classroom family for 11 weeks!? With November around the corner we have quite a few events coming our way so I wanted to get a bunch of information to you and also let you know about some of the great things your kids are doing!
Monday is Halloween and the kiddos ARE allowed to wear a costume to school if they choose. I'm going to be a mushroom and all 32 of them laughed in my face when I told them that! Today I told them it was actually Toad from Mario Brothers and I'm all of a sudden cool again! Monday afternoon we'll be enjoying our Harvest Party that Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hamer have arranged for us. Thank you for helping to make the day a special one for the kiddos.
Math: We are in the middle of chapter 4 in math. This chapter has been an exploration of decimals. We've been working on reading/writing decimals from the tenths to the thousandths as well as writing them as fractions. Yesterday we started working with conversions from mm to cm to dm to m. We had a great time measuring things around campus! If we continue at the same pace it looks like we'll be testing on chapter 4 next Friday and the review would come home on Wednesday. ****If your child is not consistent with their multiplication and division facts PLEASE work with them. We will begin to get into two digit by three digit multiplication and if they don't know their basic facts they will be lost. When they know their facts they breeze through the bigger problems and gain self confidence. I send home their multiplication tests every week so you know if they are improving and which problems need more practice.**** We will begin using the math Journal 2 starting at the end of December. A lot of the kiddos already have theirs. If your child doesn't have a Journal 2 yet you might want to order them one now so it is here when they need it. If they don't have a Journal then they will use the write on/wipe off plastic sleeves. This means they lose their work at the end of every day and they can't go back to look at their work to help them problem solve. I watch them flip back in their journals all the time to review steps. This is a huge part of the learning process. Amazon is where I have ordered them in the past. Julie Fahey might have some left if you would like to contact her about getting your child one.
Reading & Language Arts: The kiddos Biography presentation were AMAZING! I enjoyed watching and reading all of them. We just finished up our unit on Figurative Language. It was fun and very creative. We'll be diving into the world of Parts of Speech in the coming weeks and start Persuassive Essays on Monday. This week we completed Fall Haiku poems that will be displayed in our room so stop by and check them out. We've been working out of our Story Works curriculum the last week. Story Works is a higher level reading program that focuses on multiple genres, literary elements, writing, etc. The stories and skills are really valuable and interesting. We will begin a novel unit on Charlotte's Web next week. Last week your child should have brought home the newest book report. They just have to choose a NEW book in their lexile level and complete the sheets that were sent home. We'll be discussing these books when they hand in their reports. The book report is due for everyone on November 14. Their answers must be in complete sentences and in great detail. Please be sure that your child is turning in their reading calendars at the end of each month. This counts towards their Reading grade and holds them accountable.
S.S.-Hats off to our kiddos for their Cruisin Arizona performance! They did SO good and I couldn't be prouder. We are finishing chapter 4 today! This chapter has been about the modern Native Americans here in Arizona. We will take our test on Tuesday. Each kiddo must know the 4 groups and which tribes go in each group. Each student researched a tribe and presented it to the class. They did a great job so I expect great things on their tests. They are always allowed to take home their books to study and review. It can count as their 30 minutes of reading. From here we will be learning about the Spanish Explorers and Missionaries who came to Arizona.
Science-We have finished our study of the Scientific Method and Scientists. We performed some great experiments and had a good time comparing and contrasting different scientists who have influenced our lives. I encourage them to participate in the Science Fair since they can know the S. Method and procedures. Today we are beginning our study of Caves and Landforms to go along with Kartchner Caverns! We'll also explore the water cycle. In December Natural Disasters will be our primary focus.**We'll go spelunking in Kartchner Caverns on November 18. Look for information to come home with more details in the coming weeks. Thanks to tax credit donations for our class it looks like we'll be able to attend some other field trips this year too! Thank you so much for helping us out!
Other: Milers has started! Come on out and walk with us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:10. All of your miles will go towards our class goal as long as you put "Ronnie" on your form. You might have noticed that the kiddos have taken over the blogging duties! Every day two new students get to blog about their day and what they learned. It's a great communication tool to see what our class is doing each day. Their versions always put a smile on my face :-) The volunteer calendar has been updated online through the beginning of December. Be sure to sign up when you are in the classroom (it's located behind my office door) or if you know of a date and time you would like to help just shoot me an email and let me know. Remember that on M,W,F volunteers don't start until 10:00 but on T, TH they can start at 9:00. If you can't make your assigned date please arrange to switch with someone else or let me know since it takes time for me to put things together for the volunteers.
Thank you for your continued support in your child's education. We have an AMAZING group of kiddos in our class who make me enjoy coming to school every day. There is a special chemistry that I see and I'm happy to be a part of it!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Ronnie
Cruisin' Arizona 2011
Ronnie's Rascals
Can you believe that we've been a classroom family for 11 weeks!? With November around the corner we have quite a few events coming our way so I wanted to get a bunch of information to you and also let you know about some of the great things your kids are doing!
Monday is Halloween and the kiddos ARE allowed to wear a costume to school if they choose. I'm going to be a mushroom and all 32 of them laughed in my face when I told them that! Today I told them it was actually Toad from Mario Brothers and I'm all of a sudden cool again! Monday afternoon we'll be enjoying our Harvest Party that Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Hamer have arranged for us. Thank you for helping to make the day a special one for the kiddos.
Math: We are in the middle of chapter 4 in math. This chapter has been an exploration of decimals. We've been working on reading/writing decimals from the tenths to the thousandths as well as writing them as fractions. Yesterday we started working with conversions from mm to cm to dm to m. We had a great time measuring things around campus! If we continue at the same pace it looks like we'll be testing on chapter 4 next Friday and the review would come home on Wednesday. ****If your child is not consistent with their multiplication and division facts PLEASE work with them. We will begin to get into two digit by three digit multiplication and if they don't know their basic facts they will be lost. When they know their facts they breeze through the bigger problems and gain self confidence. I send home their multiplication tests every week so you know if they are improving and which problems need more practice.**** We will begin using the math Journal 2 starting at the end of December. A lot of the kiddos already have theirs. If your child doesn't have a Journal 2 yet you might want to order them one now so it is here when they need it. If they don't have a Journal then they will use the write on/wipe off plastic sleeves. This means they lose their work at the end of every day and they can't go back to look at their work to help them problem solve. I watch them flip back in their journals all the time to review steps. This is a huge part of the learning process. Amazon is where I have ordered them in the past. Julie Fahey might have some left if you would like to contact her about getting your child one.
Reading & Language Arts: The kiddos Biography presentation were AMAZING! I enjoyed watching and reading all of them. We just finished up our unit on Figurative Language. It was fun and very creative. We'll be diving into the world of Parts of Speech in the coming weeks and start Persuassive Essays on Monday. This week we completed Fall Haiku poems that will be displayed in our room so stop by and check them out. We've been working out of our Story Works curriculum the last week. Story Works is a higher level reading program that focuses on multiple genres, literary elements, writing, etc. The stories and skills are really valuable and interesting. We will begin a novel unit on Charlotte's Web next week. Last week your child should have brought home the newest book report. They just have to choose a NEW book in their lexile level and complete the sheets that were sent home. We'll be discussing these books when they hand in their reports. The book report is due for everyone on November 14. Their answers must be in complete sentences and in great detail. Please be sure that your child is turning in their reading calendars at the end of each month. This counts towards their Reading grade and holds them accountable.
S.S.-Hats off to our kiddos for their Cruisin Arizona performance! They did SO good and I couldn't be prouder. We are finishing chapter 4 today! This chapter has been about the modern Native Americans here in Arizona. We will take our test on Tuesday. Each kiddo must know the 4 groups and which tribes go in each group. Each student researched a tribe and presented it to the class. They did a great job so I expect great things on their tests. They are always allowed to take home their books to study and review. It can count as their 30 minutes of reading. From here we will be learning about the Spanish Explorers and Missionaries who came to Arizona.
Science-We have finished our study of the Scientific Method and Scientists. We performed some great experiments and had a good time comparing and contrasting different scientists who have influenced our lives. I encourage them to participate in the Science Fair since they can know the S. Method and procedures. Today we are beginning our study of Caves and Landforms to go along with Kartchner Caverns! We'll also explore the water cycle. In December Natural Disasters will be our primary focus.**We'll go spelunking in Kartchner Caverns on November 18. Look for information to come home with more details in the coming weeks. Thanks to tax credit donations for our class it looks like we'll be able to attend some other field trips this year too! Thank you so much for helping us out!
Other: Milers has started! Come on out and walk with us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:10. All of your miles will go towards our class goal as long as you put "Ronnie" on your form. You might have noticed that the kiddos have taken over the blogging duties! Every day two new students get to blog about their day and what they learned. It's a great communication tool to see what our class is doing each day. Their versions always put a smile on my face :-) The volunteer calendar has been updated online through the beginning of December. Be sure to sign up when you are in the classroom (it's located behind my office door) or if you know of a date and time you would like to help just shoot me an email and let me know. Remember that on M,W,F volunteers don't start until 10:00 but on T, TH they can start at 9:00. If you can't make your assigned date please arrange to switch with someone else or let me know since it takes time for me to put things together for the volunteers.
Thank you for your continued support in your child's education. We have an AMAZING group of kiddos in our class who make me enjoy coming to school every day. There is a special chemistry that I see and I'm happy to be a part of it!
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Ronnie
Cruisin' Arizona 2011
Ronnie's Rascals
Thursday, October 27, 2011
We had a great day today!!!
First,we did some R.O.L. And then we did a dictation test. Then we did 4.8 and established personal references for units of measement.Then we typed our Haikus. Next we had a fabulous lunch. And talked about indian tribes and presented our indian tribes.Then we had library.Then we packed up from a fabulous day of school. Blogers out.
By Roxy and Maddy!
By Roxy and Maddy!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Great day at school!!!!!
To start off our day we went to P.E and played some fun games. When we came back in we wrote our Haikus and Mrs.Ronnie editted them. Then we did math and for math we measured five things outside or in the classroom and converted the measurements. Then we went out to recess and had some fun! we finshed our math and our Haikus. Then we went off to lunch and back to recess again. We came back and did some SSR. Then we broke up in groups and we researched different tribes. S.S. test is Tuesday!!!!!!Then to end our day we did some study hall and did our homework and packed-up to go home!
Bloggers out!!!!!!
Done by Kira and Madison
Bloggers out!!!!!!
Done by Kira and Madison
Monday, October 24, 2011
First blogers :)
Today was a great day! The day started off with D.O.R. At nine o'clock we went to music with Miss Marcy. After that we did 4.5 compute balances in a savings acount.Also unit 9 in spelling.I almost forgot resses! We took a look in our storyworks and read " Pobodys nerfect". In our Arizona book we read desert farming!
I almost forgot about compare and contract 1 scientist. Thank you for reading our blog! Blogging out!
Kaiyah & Sophia
I almost forgot about compare and contract 1 scientist. Thank you for reading our blog! Blogging out!
Kaiyah & Sophia
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Biographies-Day 3!
Today Jackie Robinson, Queen Elizabeth, George Washington, Albert Einstein, Osama Bin Laden, and Michael Jackson stopped by our room!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
More Visitors!
Elvis stopped by and sang us his hit song Hound Dog. Abe Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address and Eisenhower gave us a fantastic presentation too. Houdini showed us some of his tricks, Picazzo took us on some expeditions, Wyatt Earp told us about the Wild West and Walt Disney let us in to the world of his imagination. The presentations were AMAZING!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Biography Book Reports!
Today we started our presentations on our Biography Book Reports! Some of the people that stopped by our room were.....Shawn Johnson, Harriet Tubman, Kristie Yamaguchi, General Patton, The Wright Brothers, JFK, and Helen Keller. It was awesome learning about them. Hats off to our first presenters!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Happenings in Room 19!
Hi Everyone!
We're finally getting into the swing of things! The kiddos have adjusted to the life of a fourth grader. I just wanted to give you an overview of where we've been and where we're heading this year!
Math: We are finishing up Unit 2 this week. We'll take our test on Wednesday. In this unit we worked with addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers and review of place value. There were multiple ways taught but the kiddos are always encouraged to use the method that they feel most comfortable with. We also worked on mean, median, mode, and range based on a set of data that we collected. That data was also used to create line plots and bar graphs. Unit 3 is taking us to multiplication and divison of multidigit numbers, number sentences and algebra. It is EXTREMELY important that your child know their multiplication and division facts or they will have a hard time with the coming chapters. Practicing flash cards at home is always helpful. There are also a bunch of practice websites they can access from my website under Extensions/Interventions.
Reading and Language Arts: We finished our first novel unit on Sing Down the Moon. This book tied in nicely with our Social Studies standards. Thank you so much for donating supplies for Navaho Tacos. We had such a great time! This week we started our study of Figurative Language. We'll be covering similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, etc. This will tie in nicely with our writing. We'll also be reading various stories out of our Imagine books and our Story Works program. We'll be taking our quiz on the 4 sentence types this week and moving into the different parts of speech. To tie into Social Studies we will be writing our own classroom constitution since Constitution Day is this Saturday. Our constitution will even be made to look like it's 200 years old! The Biography Book Report criteria went home today. This book report is due for everyone on October 3. Check the back of the sheet for the date your child presents. This is always a great assignment!
Spelling: We are on Unit 5. This means that the kiddos are responsible for 25 words at this point. I'll be sending home a list of the words to date this week. To clarify, the kiddos aren't required to complete the bonus sentences on Thursday's dictation. If they do want to try the bonus it will not count against them since they are higher level words. I encourage everyone to always try for the 4!
Social Studies: We started chapter 3 today. This chapter focuses on the Ancient Tribes in Arizona. We'll be learning about the first people to live here such as the Hohokam, Anasazi, Mogollon, Sinagua, etc. The kiddos will be creating flipbooks of their favorite tribes. This is a great chapter since it dives right into the history. The rest of our chapters will continue along the timeline of Arizona's history from here on out. This week we're working on understanding the United States Constitution since Constitution Day is on the 17th. Chapter 4 will consist of the modern tribes in Arizona.
Science: We have been busy with the Scientific Method! We will have a vocab quiz on Thursday. The kiddos have their study guides in their binders. I'm guessing they know them all already. Some of the experiments we've performed have been: Who Can Balance the Longest, Boys or Girls?, Which Diaper Holds the Most Water?, and Which Flavor of Gum Blows the Best Bubble or Stretches the Farthest?. The gum experiment was today and we had the best time chewing gum, blowing bubbles and stretching it across the room and courtyard. It was all in the name of Science! In a couple of weeks we'll be focusing more on Scientists and then moving into Landforms and the Water Cycle.
Field Trips: We're booked for Kartchner Caverns on November 18th! The permisson slip and information came home with your child today. The price of the trip includes the ticket and cost of the busses. I can take 7 chaperones on this trip. Please indicate on the form if you would like to be put in the drawing for chaperones. It is $37 per chaperone. This one of the best field trips and I know the kiddos are excited. We're still hoping to go to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and Tubac in the Spring. This will depend on if we receive enough tax credit money to cover the costs. If you donate please let me know so I can plan accordingly.....and send home a thank you note!
We have a great PTO who does nothing but the best for our kiddos so please consider supporting them!
Here are a list of the upcoming PTO meetings this year.
Sept 15
Oct 20
Nov 17
Dec 8
Jan 19
Feb 9
March 15
April 19
May 10
The volunteer calendar for October and November are up in my office. Be sure to sign up for the days you want when you're in volunteering. If there is a date that you want in advance be sure to let me know. Please check the volunteer calendar for the dates you are signed up for.
The kiddos will begin blogging this week so tune in for their reports. Feel free to call me or email me with any questions. Thank you so much for your support. We have a great group of kiddos and parents!
Mrs. Ronnie
We're finally getting into the swing of things! The kiddos have adjusted to the life of a fourth grader. I just wanted to give you an overview of where we've been and where we're heading this year!
Math: We are finishing up Unit 2 this week. We'll take our test on Wednesday. In this unit we worked with addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers and review of place value. There were multiple ways taught but the kiddos are always encouraged to use the method that they feel most comfortable with. We also worked on mean, median, mode, and range based on a set of data that we collected. That data was also used to create line plots and bar graphs. Unit 3 is taking us to multiplication and divison of multidigit numbers, number sentences and algebra. It is EXTREMELY important that your child know their multiplication and division facts or they will have a hard time with the coming chapters. Practicing flash cards at home is always helpful. There are also a bunch of practice websites they can access from my website under Extensions/Interventions.
Reading and Language Arts: We finished our first novel unit on Sing Down the Moon. This book tied in nicely with our Social Studies standards. Thank you so much for donating supplies for Navaho Tacos. We had such a great time! This week we started our study of Figurative Language. We'll be covering similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, etc. This will tie in nicely with our writing. We'll also be reading various stories out of our Imagine books and our Story Works program. We'll be taking our quiz on the 4 sentence types this week and moving into the different parts of speech. To tie into Social Studies we will be writing our own classroom constitution since Constitution Day is this Saturday. Our constitution will even be made to look like it's 200 years old! The Biography Book Report criteria went home today. This book report is due for everyone on October 3. Check the back of the sheet for the date your child presents. This is always a great assignment!
Spelling: We are on Unit 5. This means that the kiddos are responsible for 25 words at this point. I'll be sending home a list of the words to date this week. To clarify, the kiddos aren't required to complete the bonus sentences on Thursday's dictation. If they do want to try the bonus it will not count against them since they are higher level words. I encourage everyone to always try for the 4!
Social Studies: We started chapter 3 today. This chapter focuses on the Ancient Tribes in Arizona. We'll be learning about the first people to live here such as the Hohokam, Anasazi, Mogollon, Sinagua, etc. The kiddos will be creating flipbooks of their favorite tribes. This is a great chapter since it dives right into the history. The rest of our chapters will continue along the timeline of Arizona's history from here on out. This week we're working on understanding the United States Constitution since Constitution Day is on the 17th. Chapter 4 will consist of the modern tribes in Arizona.
Science: We have been busy with the Scientific Method! We will have a vocab quiz on Thursday. The kiddos have their study guides in their binders. I'm guessing they know them all already. Some of the experiments we've performed have been: Who Can Balance the Longest, Boys or Girls?, Which Diaper Holds the Most Water?, and Which Flavor of Gum Blows the Best Bubble or Stretches the Farthest?. The gum experiment was today and we had the best time chewing gum, blowing bubbles and stretching it across the room and courtyard. It was all in the name of Science! In a couple of weeks we'll be focusing more on Scientists and then moving into Landforms and the Water Cycle.
Field Trips: We're booked for Kartchner Caverns on November 18th! The permisson slip and information came home with your child today. The price of the trip includes the ticket and cost of the busses. I can take 7 chaperones on this trip. Please indicate on the form if you would like to be put in the drawing for chaperones. It is $37 per chaperone. This one of the best field trips and I know the kiddos are excited. We're still hoping to go to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and Tubac in the Spring. This will depend on if we receive enough tax credit money to cover the costs. If you donate please let me know so I can plan accordingly.....and send home a thank you note!
We have a great PTO who does nothing but the best for our kiddos so please consider supporting them!
Here are a list of the upcoming PTO meetings this year.
Sept 15
Oct 20
Nov 17
Dec 8
Jan 19
Feb 9
March 15
April 19
May 10
The volunteer calendar for October and November are up in my office. Be sure to sign up for the days you want when you're in volunteering. If there is a date that you want in advance be sure to let me know. Please check the volunteer calendar for the dates you are signed up for.
The kiddos will begin blogging this week so tune in for their reports. Feel free to call me or email me with any questions. Thank you so much for your support. We have a great group of kiddos and parents!
Mrs. Ronnie
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Counties and State Symbols Test Tomorrow!
Don't forget that tomorrow is our test! You not only need to know the names of the 15 counties but you need to place them on the map. You'll also need to know the state symbols. Our class has done a fantastic job with these so it should be a breeze!
Remember the song. It's a big help!
Remember the song. It's a big help!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The New Rascals
We have started the year off with a bang! I'm enjoying the time I've spent teaching and learning with our group. It's going to be a fantastic year! The new Rascal pictures have just been updated on the website. Check them out!
I'll be sending out our first electronic newsletter this week. I'll use the emails you gave me Tuesday night. Look for an update on the latest and greatest from room 19!'s-4th-grade.aspx
Direct link to pictures:'s-4th-grade/say-cheese.aspx
I'll be sending out our first electronic newsletter this week. I'll use the emails you gave me Tuesday night. Look for an update on the latest and greatest from room 19!'s-4th-grade.aspx
Direct link to pictures:'s-4th-grade/say-cheese.aspx
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Back to School!
We're back for another fun filled year of learning! I can't wait to meet all of my new Rascals and visit with my old ones. Here are a some upcoming dates to be aware of:
Meet the Teacher is Tuesday
Last names A-L 11:00-11:30
Last names M-Z 11:30-12:00
First Day of School
August 10-Wednesday
Parent Orientation
August 16 @ 6:45
I am SO excited to meet Daniel, Rachel, Tyler, Jamie, Denton, Sophia, Nick, Lindsey, Keiran, Olivia, Michael, Kaiyah, Albert, Maddy, Joey, Annalisa, Mark, Annalise, Matt, Skye, Ben, Kira, Cole, Madison, Ryan, Chloe, Nathan, Hannah, Dakota, Samantha, Roxanne, and Keelan.
You are now Ronnie's Rascals!
Meet the Teacher is Tuesday
Last names A-L 11:00-11:30
Last names M-Z 11:30-12:00
First Day of School
August 10-Wednesday
Parent Orientation
August 16 @ 6:45
I am SO excited to meet Daniel, Rachel, Tyler, Jamie, Denton, Sophia, Nick, Lindsey, Keiran, Olivia, Michael, Kaiyah, Albert, Maddy, Joey, Annalisa, Mark, Annalise, Matt, Skye, Ben, Kira, Cole, Madison, Ryan, Chloe, Nathan, Hannah, Dakota, Samantha, Roxanne, and Keelan.
You are now Ronnie's Rascals!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Old Pueblo Dig!
We had such an amazing day at the Archaeology Center. We excavated an ancient Pit House and Ramada. Some of the artifacts we found were pottery shards, bones, pots, skulls, toys/sculptures, charcoal, etc. When we were finished excavating we mapped the location of the artifacts in our sites. We did this using string and then created a grid plot. We were able to tell where they cooked, played, and even kept their storage based on the artifacts in the different sites. We were FULL of dirt but it was FULL of fun! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Old Pueblo Field Trip is tomorrow!
We will be digging in the dirt and excavating an ancient pit house. Be sure to check the bright green reminder that came home today. You need your Rascals shirt, a sack lunch, apply sunscreen before leaving the house also bring a hat and close toed shoes.
Be in the classroom by 8:45. We are so excited for this journey!
Be in the classroom by 8:45. We are so excited for this journey!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
AIMS is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we had our last tests of AIMS!!! We think we did very well!!! We had a morning dounut recess. It was fun when we had art. Exactly before lunch we had computers and worked on our powerpiont presentation. Then we had a fantastico lunch and a marvelous recess. Also we corrected our Brain Pop worksheets. (Robert was the only 1 who got it all right!!!) (Great job!!!) Second 2 last we did logic problems. Finally we......................................................................left!!!
ANA ANA ANA ANA MARCELLA MARCELLA MARCELLA (2morrow we have game day, bring fun math and reading games)
ANA ANA ANA ANA MARCELLA MARCELLA MARCELLA (2morrow we have game day, bring fun math and reading games)
Monday, April 4, 2011!
Hi Everyone!
With the fourth quarter being so busy I wanted to touch base with you about some important upcoming events and where we're heading with our learning!
Report cards went home on Friday. Please sign and return the envelope and report card feedback paper ASAP. If you have any questions about the new report card please let me know.
AIMS testing is next week! In 4th and 8th grades the students are tested on Science as well. We will take the Science test on Monday and the Reading and Math tests Tuesday-Thursday. It is SO SO important that each kiddo is here on time and has a balanced breakfast. I will be sending home a letter this week with our schedule and some helpful tips for food, rest, etc. There will be no homework this week to help take away any stress!
We will be going on our field trip to the Old Pueblo Archaeology site on April 28th. The letter and permission slip went home today. Please return at your earliest convenience.
We have been working on our published books for the last two weeks. We are writing an A-Z book about Arizona! Each kiddo picked a letter of the alphabet, researched information, and started their rough drafts. They will start their final drafts this week. Everyone has the opportunity to purchase a book. The order form went home in today's homework folder. The books are $14.95 + $2.95 shipping and handling. The order forms are due Friday, April 8th. These are a wonderful keepsake for your child!
Our class has been blessed with field trips and guest speakers this year because of tax credit money. Some of the things we've been able to do are........Kartchner, Mad Science, AZ Historical Society, Old Pueblo Dig, etc. I can't tell you what an impact it makes on their learning. Thank you so much for donating!
*Be sure to see the previous post's Smilebox from the third quarter!
*Student Council is sponsoring a coin drive for the next two weeks. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross to help the victims of Japan's earthquake and tsunami. We'll take change or bills. The winning class gets an Eegees party!
*Book orders are due Friday, April 8th.
*The T-bird Trot is Saturday, April 16th.
*Spring Fling is Friday, May 13th.
Here are some of the skills your child is working on!
Math: We started chapter 9 today. This chapter will cover converting %, fractions, and decimals as well as multiplying and dividing decimals. We continue to take our multiplication timed tests. More and more kiddos are testing out of the multiplication and division every week! Ask your child to show you how to convert 53% to a decimal and a fraction. Then ask them to convert 0.04 to a fraction and a %.
Reading: see teacher's website. We are working on our Power Point Book Reports here in class. They are turing out awesome! They've incorporated pictures, sounds, movie clips, etc.!
Language Arts: We are continuing to work on Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and the parts of speech. We are on Unit 12 for spelling.
Science: We just finished our unit on Weather and the kiddos did a fabulous job! Ask your child about the 4 cloud types. This week we are working with Vertebrates/Invertebrates and Renewable/Nonrenewable Resources. Ask your child to compare and contrast the difference between each of these. Next week we will begin our study on Animal Adaptation (mimicry, camoflauge, etc.).
Social Studies: We just finished learning about Modern Arizona! Our study took us from 1900-2011. We have been researching and writing our rough drafts for our published books about Arizona. We will be finishing these next week and then learning more about the Economics of Arizona. Ask your child which letter they picked for the A-Z book and then read their rough draft. They took these home as homework tonight.
The year is flying by. Our class is an AMAZING one and I look forward to finishing this last quarter with them. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. Ronnie
*This is one of my favorites!
With the fourth quarter being so busy I wanted to touch base with you about some important upcoming events and where we're heading with our learning!
Report cards went home on Friday. Please sign and return the envelope and report card feedback paper ASAP. If you have any questions about the new report card please let me know.
AIMS testing is next week! In 4th and 8th grades the students are tested on Science as well. We will take the Science test on Monday and the Reading and Math tests Tuesday-Thursday. It is SO SO important that each kiddo is here on time and has a balanced breakfast. I will be sending home a letter this week with our schedule and some helpful tips for food, rest, etc. There will be no homework this week to help take away any stress!
We will be going on our field trip to the Old Pueblo Archaeology site on April 28th. The letter and permission slip went home today. Please return at your earliest convenience.
We have been working on our published books for the last two weeks. We are writing an A-Z book about Arizona! Each kiddo picked a letter of the alphabet, researched information, and started their rough drafts. They will start their final drafts this week. Everyone has the opportunity to purchase a book. The order form went home in today's homework folder. The books are $14.95 + $2.95 shipping and handling. The order forms are due Friday, April 8th. These are a wonderful keepsake for your child!
Our class has been blessed with field trips and guest speakers this year because of tax credit money. Some of the things we've been able to do are........Kartchner, Mad Science, AZ Historical Society, Old Pueblo Dig, etc. I can't tell you what an impact it makes on their learning. Thank you so much for donating!
*Be sure to see the previous post's Smilebox from the third quarter!
*Student Council is sponsoring a coin drive for the next two weeks. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross to help the victims of Japan's earthquake and tsunami. We'll take change or bills. The winning class gets an Eegees party!
*Book orders are due Friday, April 8th.
*The T-bird Trot is Saturday, April 16th.
*Spring Fling is Friday, May 13th.
Here are some of the skills your child is working on!
Math: We started chapter 9 today. This chapter will cover converting %, fractions, and decimals as well as multiplying and dividing decimals. We continue to take our multiplication timed tests. More and more kiddos are testing out of the multiplication and division every week! Ask your child to show you how to convert 53% to a decimal and a fraction. Then ask them to convert 0.04 to a fraction and a %.
Reading: see teacher's website. We are working on our Power Point Book Reports here in class. They are turing out awesome! They've incorporated pictures, sounds, movie clips, etc.!
Language Arts: We are continuing to work on Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and the parts of speech. We are on Unit 12 for spelling.
Science: We just finished our unit on Weather and the kiddos did a fabulous job! Ask your child about the 4 cloud types. This week we are working with Vertebrates/Invertebrates and Renewable/Nonrenewable Resources. Ask your child to compare and contrast the difference between each of these. Next week we will begin our study on Animal Adaptation (mimicry, camoflauge, etc.).
Social Studies: We just finished learning about Modern Arizona! Our study took us from 1900-2011. We have been researching and writing our rough drafts for our published books about Arizona. We will be finishing these next week and then learning more about the Economics of Arizona. Ask your child which letter they picked for the A-Z book and then read their rough draft. They took these home as homework tonight.
The year is flying by. Our class is an AMAZING one and I look forward to finishing this last quarter with them. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. Ronnie
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Third Quarter Fun!
Here is a look at some of the amazing things we did in the third quarter! A lot of these things were possible because of tax credit donations. Thank you!
The introductory video is the cutest thing!
The introductory video is the cutest thing!
This free photo slideshow created with Smilebox |
Friday, March 18, 2011
Our Awesome Day 2day
Today in the morning, we did a spelling test. Sadly, we forgot to do our DOL test. After that, we did 8.5 or 8.6 mathboxes and we drew rectangles and used the formula to find the area of them. These drawings were to scale! After that, everyone switched 4 reading. We switched to ethier Ms. Vanselow's, Mrs. Ronnie's, Ms. Wilson's, Ms.Bertram(like me), and Ms. Gaff. We also stayed in from recess because we decided to give up our 15 minutes of recess to watch 15 minutes of the UofA game. Also, in Social Studies we chose our letters for the published books. Then, we gave up 15 minute recess for 15 minutes of the Wildcats game before lunch. After that, we went to lunch. After that, we went to music. After music we watched the last 15 seconds of the AZ Wildcats game and we won 77 to 75. YAHHHH
Then, we had buddies come over to our room and big buddies read to them. Now, we are doing this by staying in from freaky to do this as i said before it was an awesome learning day today!
P.S. Memphis shot a basket ball across the whole court and almost made it.
Have an awesome Spring Break!
Rico, Max, Emily and Jeffrey. :0 :)
Then, we had buddies come over to our room and big buddies read to them. Now, we are doing this by staying in from freaky to do this as i said before it was an awesome learning day today!
P.S. Memphis shot a basket ball across the whole court and almost made it.
Have an awesome Spring Break!
Rico, Max, Emily and Jeffrey. :0 :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The book fair ends tommorow dudes so go to the book fair!!
WARNING!!! the book fair ends tommorow. BRing in money for the one for one books so our class gets a pizza party. PLEASE, PLEASEE!! Well don;t forget the S.S. test tommorow so study for test guys or you might fail...... bummer. Can't you guys wait for aims week well this blogger cant!! NO HOMEWORK!!! So what are you guys going to do this spring break? Dont forget to study for the cloud test after the break. Do your homework bring your "foot" home. Wear green tomorrow for ST.Pattys day and friday is UofA day!!!!
Travis and Dustin
Travis and Dustin
Monday, March 14, 2011
Today we did our unit #10 test.We also had our amazing authers about their books. Wow we hve been on chapter 8 for S.S for a week. Don't forget S.S test on thurs.BOOK FAIR TONIGHT 5:30 to 8:30 AUTHERS THERE IF WANTED BOOK SIGHNED. We went to P.E and raced and also played crab volleball. Wow people persented K Caverns pictures.ohh don't forget bookmens challenge!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Freaked Out Friday!!!
First we did our Spelling test!!!
Then we did our math review and our tests.
I hope evryone did good!!!
Then after the test we did social studies lesson 5 in Chapter 9 (AZ's growing cities).
Then we went to the book fair. Hooory!!
After the book fair we went to lunch.
Then we we played with fly swatters in music!!!!Splat
After that we made our own clouds with foam. The four cloud types are Cirrus,Stratus,cululonimbus and culumus.
Then FREAKY!!!!!!!
Marcella and Tarriq ARE AWESOME!
Then we did our math review and our tests.
I hope evryone did good!!!
Then after the test we did social studies lesson 5 in Chapter 9 (AZ's growing cities).
Then we went to the book fair. Hooory!!
After the book fair we went to lunch.
Then we we played with fly swatters in music!!!!Splat
After that we made our own clouds with foam. The four cloud types are Cirrus,Stratus,cululonimbus and culumus.
Then FREAKY!!!!!!!
Marcella and Tarriq ARE AWESOME!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Territorial Days
Today we had a guest speaker his nickname is Grandpa Lary .He showed us some old toys from the territorial days. He also told us about territorial school days. In the end we got to play with the territorial toys.
In computer we took a star reader test we also went to wich gives free rice to peoples . Don't forget to study for the chapter 8 test.
Abby and Kiara
By Abby and Kiara
In computer we took a star reader test we also went to wich gives free rice to peoples . Don't forget to study for the chapter 8 test.
Abby and Kiara
By Abby and Kiara
Monday, February 28, 2011
Kartchner Caverns!
Today we went to Kartchner Caverns! We went on a tour bus and on a scavenger hunrt. Then we went into the huge cave. We saw cave bacon. Then we went to the play area. Then we went back to the school. And a specail thanks to the shaperones. MR.Wichers, Ms. Wichers, Mr. Gaff, Mrs. Haymore, and Mrs. Jenson. And Mrs. Ronnie! It was a great day.
By Desi
By Desi
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
awsome day with ronnie's rascals
Wow the science fair was today Abby and Abigal won. Abigal was 1st place in the science fair and Abby was 3rd. Everyone was so happy that 2 of our class mates won the science fair.
Bookmans challenge!!! is so awsome .We got some new stuff like fractions going on in math. We are at chapter 7 so far!! You should keep up the good work for book mans challenge. Today we did some awesome math with Mrs.Ronnie. In writing we did V.I.P. Then we went to recess.Then we went to see the science fair projectss. We all saw some awsome things.Then we all went to go to the computer lab and did a web quest on Kartchner Caverns. After we went to lunch oh we also ate out side.When lunch was over we went to library. Then we saw a Kartchner video. Mrs. Ronnie played a joke on Mrs. Wilson and we all switched classes. It was sosososososo funny!
Don't forget that we leave for Kartchner on Monday at 7:15. Meet in the MPR with your rascals shirt!
Happy rodeo break!

Skylar and Andrea
Bookmans challenge!!! is so awsome .We got some new stuff like fractions going on in math. We are at chapter 7 so far!! You should keep up the good work for book mans challenge. Today we did some awesome math with Mrs.Ronnie. In writing we did V.I.P. Then we went to recess.Then we went to see the science fair projectss. We all saw some awsome things.Then we all went to go to the computer lab and did a web quest on Kartchner Caverns. After we went to lunch oh we also ate out side.When lunch was over we went to library. Then we saw a Kartchner video. Mrs. Ronnie played a joke on Mrs. Wilson and we all switched classes. It was sosososososo funny!
Don't forget that we leave for Kartchner on Monday at 7:15. Meet in the MPR with your rascals shirt!
Happy rodeo break!
Skylar and Andrea
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oh, ya baby it's working ooooooo!!!
We are going to Kartchner Caverns on Monday don't forget to come at 7:15 AM to the MPR. Bus leaves at 7:30. In science we did caves and Speleothem memory (Ana won!!!) Today we did clock fractions. We had a new guest today........Gabe. P.E. was a blast. We ran a miles and did sit-ups for a min. For reading we did a Kartchner Brochure for practcing functional text. In Social Studies we learned about frieght and stagecoaches, also how camels can carry loads for a long way without water. A law in Arizona is that it is illegal to hunt camels (WEIRD because we don't have anymore camels!!!)We will be presenting our Natural Disaster projects on Wednesday and next week. Also Wednesday is Western Day!!! Dress western!!!
Happy Rodeo Ya'll!!!
Ana the AWESOME and Victoria the VAMPIRE!!! (NOT!!!)
We are going to Kartchner Caverns on Monday don't forget to come at 7:15 AM to the MPR. Bus leaves at 7:30. In science we did caves and Speleothem memory (Ana won!!!) Today we did clock fractions. We had a new guest today........Gabe. P.E. was a blast. We ran a miles and did sit-ups for a min. For reading we did a Kartchner Brochure for practcing functional text. In Social Studies we learned about frieght and stagecoaches, also how camels can carry loads for a long way without water. A law in Arizona is that it is illegal to hunt camels (WEIRD because we don't have anymore camels!!!)We will be presenting our Natural Disaster projects on Wednesday and next week. Also Wednesday is Western Day!!! Dress western!!!
Happy Rodeo Ya'll!!!
Ana the AWESOME and Victoria the VAMPIRE!!! (NOT!!!)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Arizona!
Arizona turned 99 today and we celebrated her! Here are the mini cakes we had in her honor. Valentine's pictures are coming tomorrow!
Audrey is wearing a traditional Arizona "party" hat!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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