Monday, January 30, 2012

Class Updates!

Hi Parents!

We did the drawing for the chaperones for our Project Wet field trip. The parents who will be coming with us are: Stephanie Montoya, Elizabeth Flores, Lisa Hoffman, and Katie Vicino. We’ll be leaving Painted Sky between 10:00-10:30 on February 10. Look for more information to come home next week. If you are unable to join us please let me know ASAP. Thank you to everyone who volunteered. I tried to pick different ones than Kartchner so that everyone has an opportunity to join us. We will go to Old Pueblo in April and Tubac in May so if you weren’t drawn this time put your name in again!

The cereal box book reports are due this Wednesday. I’m so excited to see what they’ve created. They’ll present their commercials on Thursday and Friday.

Science Fair info can be found on the school’s website. The registration deadline is February 2nd. If they complete a project it will go toward their Science grade in class.

The Sweethearts Dance is this weekend! If you haven’t already bought your tickets you need to do so before Friday.

The 3rd grade Nature Shop is underway. Our class will preview on Thursday and have the opportunity to buy on Friday. It is your choice if you want to send your child with money to buy or not.

Thank you for your support of our 100th Birthday/Valentines celebration! We have some fun things planned. I’ve given the kiddos the choice of building a Valentines bag in class or at home. Some have expressed interest in doing it at home where they have their supplies. Either way is okay.

Please make sure your child is still practicing their multiplication and division facts. We are working with fractions right now but they are still using multiplication and division to find the lowest common denominator. They’ll continue to use these for everything that we do. If they don’t have their facts memorized everything else becomes harder. They should be at a 3 or a 4 on the report card for math fact fluency at this point. Also, we have been in our Journal 2’s for a week now. If you have ordered a Journal for your child please send it in ASAP.

Planner signatures are still not required but continue to look at your child’s planner every night for updates, notes, and projects.

We’re building electrical circuits in Science and having a ball! The Mad Scientist will come on Friday for a special Electricity presentation. We’re starting chapter 7 in S.S. This is all about Territorial Arizona and how we became a state which is fitting since the birthday is coming up!

We are finishing up our January Storyworks and getting ready to move into our next novel unit. The Storyworks are a higher level reading program that focuses on multiple genres and skills. Some of the things we’ve focused on in the last few weeks have been author’s purpose, plot and climax, vocab, persuasive essays, editing, etc. Our next novel unit will be on the book, Holes, by Luis Sachar.

We’re on Spelling unit 19 this week. The kiddos have all our spelling words from 1-19 in their binders for those that need to review.

February 8th is a half day for conferences. I only have a limited amount of time so I will only be meeting with those who I have contacted via letter.

Thanks for your continued support. Let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Ronnie

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The 100 day of school

The first thing we did was go to P.E. and played 100 days workouts. Then, for math we found fractional parts of a polygonal region and we got to play with the blocks! Then Tucson electric power showed us the danger of electricity and what do you do with it. Then we went to lunch. yummy yummy! Then we read a story about civil rights and did some sequencing.. Finally we took our Magnets test and everyone did AWESOME!!!!!!       Blogging out! Roxy and Skye             


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hi Parents!

The kiddos are bringing home their Arizona books today. They have their chapter 6 test tomorrow (Arizona as part of Mexico). Their math test is Friday. This chapter includes long division with and without remainders, story problems, mixed fractions, drawing and measuring angles, and plotting coordinates on a grid. We will start working out of our journal 2s on Monday. If you have already purchased one for your child they should have it in their desk. If it’s at home please send it in. Chapter 7 will include fractions, decimals, and %.

Science Fair! All information can be found on the PS website. The registration date is approaching so be sure to get everything in on time. Those that submit a project will have it go toward their Science grade in class. I can’t wait to see what they’ve come up with.

Book reports are due in 2 weeks. Please make sure your child has enough time to finish the book and work on their cereal box. They’ll present the commercial portion on Feb. 2-3.

Our Project Wet field trip will be on February 10th. Look for more information to come home next week. Thank you to Kay Snell and Rebecca Ford for helping to plan our Valentines/AZ’s 100th birthday celebration. It’s going to be a great day!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Fantastic Day

Today we did ROL and then after we did math and we measured triangles angles'. After we went to recess and had a lot of fun. We came back and read a poem called The Dark Emporer also did a work sheet on it. Then we went to the computer lab and did a magnet worksheet on a science website. Then we went to lunch and had some yummy food and again we had a great recess!!! We came back from recess and did some worked with some magnets for science. Fnally, we went to library and checked out some books and did study hall while we were there and when we came back.That was the end of our great and awesome day!!!                                                  Bloggers out!! P.S. dont forget about milers and bring adults, sisters ,and brothers!    by: Rachel, Maddison, and Kira

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today we started off by doing math working with angles and rotations. Then we moved on to reading and read a compare and contrast storyworks story about Justin Beiber v.s. a 60's band called the Beatles. Next we out on the playground to have some fun. When we came back in we were a little tired but kept going because who wants to miss social studies talking about the mountain men. After that we went to lunch and one more recess of the day, but unfortinally we then had to pack up and go home.

                                                                                                                                blogger out!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

We had a electrifying day!

Today we had a great day! First we started off with our daily ROL. Then we did our unit 16 words ( don't forget to do spelling city ). After that we 6.5 math and did some throw up method and practiced it Then we went outside to go to recess. Afterwards we read The Dangorous Life of a Mill Worker which was about a girl that went on strike because they were in dangorous conditions and under payed. Then we went to lunch. We had a lot of yummy stuff! Then we came back and did some SSR. Finally we got to magnets and played with the magnets and learned about temporary magnets and Indouced magnets. They are really fun to learn about! Then we did study hall and packed up to go home. That was the end of a very fun day!                                                                       
                                              Blogging out! Roxy!                     

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! We hit the ground running in 2012. There are a lot of great things in store for us this quarter. Here is some important information I wanted you to have.

Before the holiday break we had to say goodbye to Sophia :( They have moved to PHX but we'll still be able to see her through out the year since she comes back to Tucson weekly. We will miss you Sophia!

Today we welcomed Olga to our class! Olga and her family just moved to Tucson and we're so excited to have her as part of our classroom family.

Report cards will be coming home today. Please sign and return the envelopes on Monday. Just remember that there was a new scale introduced in October that is higher than the scale previously used. Example: students must have a 3.4 or higher to receive an A. This means they would have had to receive multiple 4's in each subject to be able to score higher than a 3.0. The grades reflect what skills were taught in the second quarter.
I'm going to try something new starting this more signing of the planners. The reason behind the planners is to keep the kiddos organized, responsible and to keep the parents informed of what is going on in the classroom as far as tests, homework, projects, etc. They will still fill out their planners daily but you will not be required to sign them anymore unless you want to. You will still need to look at them to be aware of homework, tests, projects, etc. If I notice the communication slipping or a kiddo not filling out their planner then I will start to require them to have a signature again so everyone is on the same page.
The cereal box book reports were assigned this week. The criteria and templates came home with your child on Tuesday. Be sure to keep these in a safe place. The reports are due on February 1. This gives them 4 weeks to read the book and create their cereal box. I’m excited to see the end results! Please remember to check the reading calendars. These are part of their reading grade and some kiddos are consistently not returning them or are returning them incomplete. They are required to read 30 minutes everyday as part of their homework. More than 30 minutes is encouraged!
We are almost finished with our Math Journal 1’s. If your child doesn’t already have a Journal 2 please work on getting one in the next 2 weeks. It is so beneficial to have the actual journal vs. the wipe off sheets. If you need the information to order one you can email me or Julie Fahy for it. Continue to practice MASTERY of multiplication and division facts. Long division has been hard for those kiddos that don’t have their facts down.
February 14 is Arizona’s 100th birthday! Since AZ is so important in 4th grade I would like to plan a big celebration. I’m thinking of having our Valentine exchange on Monday so we can have “Arizona Days” on Tuesday the 14th since it’s the actual birthday. Please let me know if you would be willing to help me plan “Arizona Days” or if you have any great ideas for it. Our kiddos are very lucky to learn about our state during the year of its 100th birthday.
The kiddos have been blogging on a daily basis. Stop by and see what they have to say! Please check the volunteer calendar on our website to see open spots or to double check days you’ve signed up for. The master is always on the back of my office door and you’re welcome to stop by to sign up or email me dates you want.
Thank you for all of the help you gave last semester with volunteering, planning of celebrations, or stopping in to join us. It makes a huge difference in a class when you have such great families that support it. I’m very thankful for the classroom family we’ve built. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Ronnie

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome back!

Today we started with a fire drill out of nowhere. Then we went to P.E right away. After that we did math and started changing our desks.  In math we diagramed story problems then we did our winter poems. After we finished our poems we went to computer lab to type our poems. Went to lunch and served spagetti. After lunch we had silent reading for 15 min because we had to present our natural disaters.  The disasters presented were avalanches, floods, and wildfires.  They were very interesting!

Presented by

Chloe and Kaiyah