Monday, November 16, 2009

Give your brain a workout!

Tests this week: Wednesday-Social Studies- read chapter 4, study page 75 and your memory masters

                             Thursday-Spelling and Chapter 4 Math

1.  What are the formations inside of caves called?

2.  Describe how Kartchner Caverns was formed.

3.  How many different groups of Native Americans are in Arizona? (hint:  not how many tribes)

4.  What was the name of the Navajo homes?

5.  What multiplication method do you like best, why? (FOIL, partial products, regular, lattice)


  1. Mrs.Ronnie I noticed that you put new stuff on the website I know you worked alot on this so GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you Jonathan! You get a sticker on your incentive chart!

  3. Q#1. Spelothems

    Q#2.There was a heavy rain and water seeped into the rock, and there were cracks and the water goes into the cracks and the cracks get bigger because it rains more. After many years, the cracks get so big, the water goes to the outside and air comes in, and form spelothems.

    Q#3. 4 Native American groups.

    Q#4. Hogens

    Q#5. I like the regular method because it is faster and easier for me.

