Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday is the best day !

Today we did   P.E at nine  a.m  . Next  we did  was  a reading paper  to practice for AIMS . Then we went to lunch . Todays lunch was pizza. After lunch  we did since . It was  FUN !!!!!!!! Don't foget  NATURE SHOP preveiw is TOMOROW !!  There is going to be a lot of stuff there. So don't foget ! Bye.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Math test on Friday and..........

  • Our chapter 7 math test will be this Friday.  The review homework will come home tomorrow and Thursday.
  • TEP is coming to give us a presentation on Electricity tomorrow afternoon and Mad Science is coming to do a workshop on Friday! 
  • Science Fair has started!  Be sure to come and look at the great projects.
  • Cereal Box Book Reports are due on February 3.  That is a week away.  Commercial presentations will be on the 4th and 5th.  Remember, late reports will not be accepted.

Friday, January 22, 2010

amazing Friday

      Today lauren brought in a wedding magazine called I Do.  And Mrs. Ronnie and Jon were in the magazine.  And the pictures were so beautiful.  Also thismorning we won the game show on the announcements.  So next everyone get ready to say the pledge and the satment of natural right,to the whole school.

               HAPPY FRIDAY
                                                               By: Lauren

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Joys of January!

The kiddos have had two weeks to get back into the swing of things and they're doing very well!  I wanted to give you a heads up of what we're learning and where it is taking us.........

First, we want to welcome Andrew Cameron to our class.  He just moved here from Texas and I know he'll be a great addition to our class!  Honor Roll Assembly wass today at 2:30.  There were 13 kiddos that made the A and B honor rolls.  Hats off to them!  Remember to check the calendars on the website and the blog.  I update them daily with new information.  Please be sure to check your child's homework and reading logs on a daily basis.  When there is important info that I want them to share with you they know to highlight that information.  They fill this out as soon as they enter the classroom in the morning.  Remember, students are allowed to redo work that was given an F.  The new grade will be an average of the first attempt and the redo.  Tests can not be done over.       

Spelling:  We are finishing Unit 18 today and it looks like we will finish all the units before the end of the school year.  The kiddos are becoming phenomenal spellers.  Spelling homework is the same every week but with new words.  At this point the kiddos are responsible for 90 words.  Thursdays are still dictation test days and Fridays are still the cloze test days.

Math:  We are working on Chapter 7-Fractions.  The kiddos are doing well with fractions and seem to be enjoying this concept.  If you are having trouble helping your child on their homework remember the answer keys that were sent home at the beginning of the year (it's a thick packet that was given to every parent) are a big help.  These are to help you see the concepts that are being taught in class so they are getting the reinforcement with homework.  Depending on how the rest of the chapter goes, we will probably test the week of 25th.  This will be in their homework log ahead of time and like always they will have at least two days to review.

Reading:  If your child is not in my reading group you can go to their reading teacher's website to see their grades.  After the new MAP scores and in class assessment we will be moving a few kiddos around to best accomodate their reading ability.  If your child moves to another group you will be notified next week and they will start with their new group on February 1.
Book Reports:  The Cereal Box Reports are underway!  I am loving hearing about all the ideas they have for their boxes.  The packet explaining this book report came home on January 7.  I included templates for them to use but they are not required to.  If they would like to type up their own templates and use pictures and the computer that is great as long as all of the information is included.  This book report is due on February 3.  Late projects will NOT be accepted since they have had 4 weeks to work on this.  If they fail to turn it in their grade will suffer significantly.  They will present their "commercial" on February 4 or 5.  I can't wait to see their final projects!

Science:  We have been working with magnets!  This week we did tests with the magnets and worked to understand that magnets attract and repel.  We'll finish magnets next week and start electricity the following.  Because of a tax credit donation we are going to bring Mad Science to our class on January 29.  The Mad Scientist will be conducting a workshop on Electricity!  The Science Fair will be held on January 26 and 27.  Packets are due on the 22nd. 

Social Studies:  We will pick up with Spanish Explorers in Arizona and Territorial Arizona in February.  We are working hard to make the Tubac field trip happen.  Today was the day that the state decided if they will shut the park down so we should know sometime next week.  Because of tax credit donations we are hoping to take a trip in the spring to the Southwest Archeological Dig site. 

Grammar:  We're continuing to work on parts of speech, the four types of sentences, and the 6 traits of writing.

If you signed up to help put together the fourth grade math binders.......thank you!  We will be working on them Tuesday-Friday of next week from 9:00-10:30 if you would like to join us.  Also, if you are interested in volunteering just send me an email and I'll add you to the calendar.  You can access the volunteer calendar on our website to see available dates and times.  Third quarter grades are being added on a daily basis.  Be sure to log on and see how your child is doing. 

The kiddos have turned a corner behavior and academic wise and I know the third quarter is going to be a great one!  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, email is the fastest way.

Enjoy the three day weekend,
Mrs. Ronnie 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome Back!

Let's get ready for the third quarter!

  • Grades will start over and report cards come home on Friday (for the second quarter).
  • Homework, reading and homework logs, and weekly spelling words will begin just like normal.
  • We'll start chapter 7 in Math and magnets and electricity in Science.
  • Be sure to check the volunteer calendar for your volunteer dates.  I did not assign them for January and February so if you don't see your name that means that I never received the dates you requested.  If you would like to be added just send me an email and I'll get you on the schedule!

I'll see you on Monday ready to start the new year together!