Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October's News

Hi Parents!
This is a long newsletter but there have been some great things happening in room 19! We have a new Rascal to add to our group. Jorge joined us on Monday and we’re so happy to have him as part of our class!
Tomorrow is the Harvest party and we’ll start at 1:30 if you want to swing by and help with the centers. Kids and adults are all allowed to wear their costumes!
Here’s a breakdown of what we’ve been up to and where we’re headed:
Math: We are finishing up chapter 4 which has been on decimals. We’ve added and subtracted decimals, identified place value of decimals, converted decimals, wrote decimals as fractions and models, and dealt with money and decimals. We’ll test this Thursday and then move on to chapter 5 starting Monday. Chapter 5 is HUGE! This is when we’ll start multiplying double and triple digit problems. The kiddos MUST know their multiplication facts in order to be successful. We’ve been practicing them all year to get ready for this chapter. Let me know if you want me to send home any extra sheets for practice.
Reading: We’ve been working on a novel unit on the book, Sing Down the Moon. This story follows a Navajo Girl and her tribe through the time of the Long Walk. It is an amazing story that goes hand in hand with our Social Studies unit. We’ve focused on our comprehension, point of view, author’s purpose, vocab, character analysis, etc. We’ll be finishing up the book this week and taking our test. To culminate the book we’ll be making Navajo Tacos! We’ve also continued to work with Story Works on fiction and non-fiction stories, problem and solution, text connections, mood, etc. The latest book report went home last week. The criteria and materials were with it. Please make sure your kiddo is reading their book. This is due on November 19.
Hats off to our class for the most AMAZING biography book reports I’ve ever seen!  I hope you had a chance to see the blog so you had an idea of what they put together.  Unbelievable!  This class is so outgoing and theatrical, if you couldn’t already tell at the Cruisin’ AZ performance.  I’m biased but I think our class nailed that performance.  They make my job so fun!

Language Arts/Writing: We’ve had two weeks of Greek/Latin root words and the kiddos are really getting it! Each week they get a new word list and they need to study the definitions. We do activities in the class during the week to understand each one as well. They test on the roots every Friday. This Friday they are doing a review of the roots –ped and –manu. This will help them with their reading and writing a great deal. We’re continuing with parts of speech, homophones/graphs, 4 types of sentences, correctly using commas, etc. We’ll be starting our second persuasive essay next week. This topic will discuss if it’s worth it to spend money on things like designer brands. We also started my FAVORITE writing assignment of the year! The kiddos are writing a creative story, focusing on word choice, conventions, and point of view, about the day the Scarecrows got loose. So far they are so creative and so funny. When they’re finished with their final drafts they will build their own scarecrows that look like themselves.
Social Studies: We are finishing up our study of the modern Native American tribes in Arizona. We’ll test on Friday and then move into Spanish Exploration of Arizona in the 1500s. This chapter will cover the beginning stages of the development of our state. It gets really interesting and there’s so much to see right here in Tucson since this was a hub for the Spanish explorers and missionaries.
Starting tomorrow the kiddos will be researching the two presidential candidates and picking a candidate that they support and writing the reasons why. We’re working on Arizona government and how it is tied into the national government as well as the importance of being an informed voter. They are allowed to say they don’t care for a certain candidate or love him but they have to be able to give reasons why. I don’t tell the kids who I do or don’t support because we talk about how votes are private. I just guide them to understand the process and to be informed. It still doesn’t stop them from trying to pry it out of me! I’ve been told by some kids that I just look like a republican and another kiddo said he knows I’m a democrat because ALL teachers are democrats. It’s been quite fun listening to them reason and justify what Mrs. Ronnie is or is not. On Tuesday, our class will be voting on our next President because after putting in the work to be an informed voter they deserve the right to cast a vote! I’m sure you’ll get an earful of who won our class election on Tuesday.
Science: We finished up our unit on famous scientists and their contributions to science. The kiddos came up with some fabulous presentations on these people. We’re working on the water cycle right now. Ask your kiddo to sing you the Water Cycle song, they’ll never forget it! From here we’ll go right into our study of caves to get ready for Kartchner. We’ll learn about the role water and carbonic acid plays in the development of cave systems. It’s a really fun unit! We’ll start Natural Disasters after Thanksgiving.
Please remember to sign the planners every night and sign the reading calendars that are due on Thursday. The volunteer calendar went home two weeks ago. It is done through December. If you want to come in just check the calendar online and let me know. We love volunteers and welcome you any day!
Papa John’s pizza night was a huge success! I had so much fun delivering pizzas to you all. I loved being welcomed into the homes to see the kiddos’ rooms, Lego collections, honor roll collections, etc. We lost the pizza party by one order but we’re winners my book so we’ll celebrate with Navajo Tacos next week.
Milers is going every Tuesday and Thursday. Our class is tied with another class for first place in fourth grade. The kiddos have been working hard. Guest walkers/runners are always a big help. Come any day and be sure to put Ronnie on your paper so our class gets credit. Thank you to all of the guest runners we’ve had this year. Mrs. Moshkriz has been out there every time so hats off to her!
This time of year is getting hectic so below are a few of important dates you might want to put on your calendar:
St. Jude’s envelopes are due-October 31

Reading Calendars are due-November 1

Mustache Day-November 9

Veterans Day(no school)-November 12

Spelling Bee-November 15 @ 9:15

Kartchner-November 16 @ 7:15

Book Reports are due-November 19

Friendship Stew preparation-November 19

Friendship Stew eating/party (parents are encouraged to enjoy with us) -November 19

Gingerbread Houses-December 18

Pajama Day-December 20

Winter Break Starts-December 21

Do you feel all caught up now!? Be sure to check the website and blog for the most current info. As well as see the latest posts by the kiddos. Thanks for your continued support with our class. We have a special group this year. As always contact me with any questions you might have.

Mrs. Ronnie

Monday, October 15, 2012


you guys rocked last week with your costumes!!!!!!Hope you guys had a good  fall yall!!OK if you guys have your HALLAWEEN get up dress up tommorow!!!!That was a joke do not do it if you want to you can!!!!TYSON THE REPOTER

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last of the Biographies!

Another amazing day!
Calvin Coolidge


Albert Einstein

E.B. White

Johnny Appleseed

Anne Frank

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Biographies Days 2-4

The visits just keep coming and I'm loving every minute of it!
 Aaron Rodgers

Bill Gates

Mia Hamm

Shawn Johnson

Roberto Clemente

Helen Keller

Christopher Reeve

John Wesley Powell

Martin Luther King

Thomas Edison

Clara Barton

Benjamin Franklin

The Wright Brothers

Marie Curie

Elvis Presley

Gertrude Ederle

Nastia Lukin

John Adams

Monday, October 1, 2012

Biographies Day 1!

Today we had a visit from some very special people!  They included:  Tony Hawk, Louis Pasteur, Wayne Gretzky, and Johnny Cash!  Johnny Cash even played Ring of Fire on his guitar for the class!  Tune in tomorrow for some more special guests!

Wayne Gretzky

Louis Pasteur

Tony Hawk

Johnny Cash

Amazing Job!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

RACE CARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we did a race car expierement. It was totally fun. It was alot of moving around outside. We did alot of testing on surfaces. It took us 4 or 5 times to get It to not to flip over. REMINDER: student store Is TOMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring money. Have a good rest of the day.






Monday, September 17, 2012


We are working on a class book of idioms! My idiom is " you're on pins and needles". That means to get anxios about something. See you guys tomorrow !

- Claire

Friday, September 7, 2012

From AshleyM and Sarah

Partial Sums and the correcet way. We did the balance experiment and Sid got First place and Sarah got second.We did the Whipping Boy Quiz .We got a Bio book at the Library.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Updates from room 19!

We’re working on adding and subtracting multidigit numbers. The partial sums method was reviewed today and is on the back side of their homework. I told them they can use the regular carrying method if they’re more comfortable with that even though it says to use partial sums. They can choose the method as long as they are getting the correct answer. We’ll be finishing up this chapter next week and then moving on to multiplication. Please continue to practice multiplication facts with your child every week. Check their binders for their latest test.

We have our chapter 2 Social Studies test on Friday. The kiddos are bringing their books home to review and study. This chapter covered AZ’s regions, plants, animals, and the importance of water. We’ll move on with the Ancient Indians of Arizona next as well as Archaeology.

We finished The Whipping Boy yesterday and the kiddos LOVED it! It was a great first literature study. They’ll finish up the vocab, character analysis, and test this week. To go hand in hand with the book our language unit has focused on figurative language. We’ve also been working on Conventions and the 4 types of sentences. Next week we’ll write our first persuasive essay.

Our first book report criteria will come home on Monday. It will be a Biography book report on the person of their choice. We’ll check out books on Friday but if they want to get a book from the public library on a different person that is fine too. They’ll present these reports the first week of October so this will give them at least 3 weeks to read the book, write the report, and prepare for the presentation.

The Scientific Method is alive in room 19! We’ve been conducting different experiments to get familiar with the steps. The experiments will become a little messy (exciting!) starting next week. We’ll move from the method to influential scientists.

Thank you to everyone who has donated items off of our wish list and or donating tax credit! The thank you cards are coming home tomorrow and they’re super cute. If you or someone you know gives tax credit, please have it come through the classroom first so the kiddos can send them a thank you. If it goes to the office first I have no way of knowing who to send one to. If you need any more forms let me know!

The volunteer calendar is updated through October. When you’re here I have November and December ready for you to fill in with your wanted dates or I can plug you in again. If you want to pick up any extra shifts or be added just go to the volunteer link and check for any openings. Thank you so much for coming in to help!


I’ll be contacting those of you who were interested in helping with room parent. It’s mainly used to help with the planning of parties and events. Look for an email coming this week.

Mark your calendars for October 4. This will be the 4th grade program of Cruisin’ Arizona. Showtime is usually around 6:30. I’ll send home more info as it gets closer.

Conferences will be the week of October 1-5.

Thank you for returning the release forms for my National Board Certification. I’m excited to take this journey, especially with this group of kids!

Mrs. Ronnie

Monday, August 27, 2012


We just did a exsperment with DIAPPERS!It was alexle pretty fun.We did the diapper exsperment because to see how to do a sintifecnt methond. Kaley and I choosed diapper E.It holded 4cups!!Is that awesome or what?I really don't know.Plus we did a thank you card outside.We also sall TWO dust devlls and a peice of papper go in the sky.Today it was really, really, really, awesome.WAIT not awesome AWESOME!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Welcome New Rascals!

I can't wait to meet these kiddos....DeMarcco, Gage, Bryn, Averie, Shea, Faith, Julianna, Cole, Claire, Sydney, Jose, Caleb, Ben, Tyson, Brooke, Robyn K., Aiden, Paige, Kaley, Matthew, Ashley M., Gabrielle, Sarah, Ashley P., Annie, Hannah, Kyle, Robyn W., and Payton!

Welcome to room 19.  The next few days will go by super fast because we'll be getting to know the routines and procedures.  We'll take some time to get to know each other and do some pretty cool things!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs. Ronnie

Monday, May 7, 2012

Shine yer boots, we're going to Tubac!

We're heading back to 1885 come this Friday!  I've touched base with most of you about the outfits for the day.  Let me know if you have any questions or need to borrow anything.  I'll have the lunch pails ready in the classroom.  A reminder slip will come home on Thursday. 

We are also in first place for the coin drive!  Keep sending in that money!

Spring Fling is Friday as well.  It's a busy week!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Old Pueblo Field Trip Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day of our dig!!!  Remember to wear your Ronnie's Rascals t-shirt, bring a sack lunch, wear sneakers and long pants, sunscreen, and water.  It's a good idea to wear a hat and bring a bandanna.  We'll be leaving at 9:00 and returning at 2:30.  We're in for a great day full of learning!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Today was awesome! We had a great day. First we did our DOM test then after that we went to art. In art we finished up our pots. When we came back we did spelling and then we Did math in math we had a review test. After math, we went to recess. After recess we learned a song about the water cycle. And then we did Kiras VIP and after that we went to an awesome lunch. When we got back, we had silent reading and also finished Kira's VIP. And after silent reading we cleaned up our desks and the floor and we watched a weather video. After the weater video, we went to freaky, and some went to study hall. HAVE A GREAT SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Rachel, and skye! BLOGGERS OUT!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Spring Break!

Hi Parents!
Can you believe we are closing out the third quarter!? This year is flying by and the growth that this class is making is amazing. Here are a few updates and answers to your questions…..
I’ve had a few calls and emails about the Tubac trip on May 11. I’m focusing on our Old Pueblo trip right now so I’m unable to guarantee anything for Tubac. There have been so many people that have shared an interest in this trip so I will need to hold a drawing to see who will accompany us. This will be done towards the end of April. There are 3 parent volunteers who have worked in our class every week, the whole year. They have worked with the students and done about every task I could ask of them. These parents will be given the choice to go to Tubac first as a thank you for all of their help. I think there will be about 6 spots left after that. If you go to Tubac you MUST dress in 1885 attire. This is a requirement for all who enter the school house. For Old Pueblo, I will be drawing the names of the chaperones on Friday morning so if you want to join us please send in your yellow form by tomorrow. We’ll also go to the Oro Valley Town Hall on April 27. I really appreciate all the help with these trips. You do make a difference!

Spirit Day is Friday and it’s UofA day! I’ve encouraged all of our class to participate. It is also Student Store on Friday. Our class won 3rd place for the One for Books challenge!!! Thank you so much for helping with this cause. Our kiddos are excited!

Parent Input forms for next year are due this Friday. AIMS testing will be the week of April 16 and I know our class will do fabulous! The quarter grades end on Friday so ALL missing work is due by then. Remember all 1s and 2s (with the exception of a test) can be redone for a higher grade. All redos are due this Friday as well. I’ve been giving the timed tests a couple of times a week for the report cards. The kiddos have improved so much in this area! At this point everyone should be a 3 or a 4. I’ve been sending home the weekly timed tests so you can see the progress. If you would like extra practice sheets for home I’d be happy to send them, just let me know.

We have started our published book! The topic is “The A-Zs of AZ”. Each kiddo has a different letter and everything they write about will start with that letter and have to do with AZ! We’re very excited about this project. Look for order forms to come home after Spring Break.

One of my FAVORITE days of the year is Oscar Night. This night will be held the last week of school and it is such a special night for the kiddos. Over the break I’m going to be working on Oscar Night. If you have taken any pictures of our class at any of the functions I would LOVE to have copies! Please email the pictures or send them in on a disc and I’ll include them in our special night. Thank you!!!

Again, thank you for sharing your kids with me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this group and they make my job so worth it. They’re going to be a hard group to give away. Have a wonderful break and let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Ronnie

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Today we had a wacky day! First, we did our daily reading and  we went to P.E and played moser ball! Then we came back we  went over our math review and then went to recess!Next we  got ready to take our math test but before that we did a shake down to pants on the ground! Then we began our math test. After we finsh our math test abou area and perimeter with a little bit of adding and subtrating fractions we read a story called Uninvited Guests which was about a girl who finds out she has lice and her friend has it too! After that, we went to lunch and had some YUMMY food and went to recess. Then we came back and painted the four main clouds which are cumulus,cirrus,stratus and cumulonimbus. To paint the clouds we used shaving cream and glue!!!Finally, all the kids who go to reach went and all of the other kids finsh up on all there work! That was our day today!by madison and kira:)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

100th Birthday, Valentines, and SNOW!!!

Today was a special day with Valentine's Day and Arizona's 100th birthday but it got even better with the arrival of SNOW!!!  The kiddos think that it was Arizona's birthday gift for turning 100.  Our centers revolved around Arizona.  We had the Mountain Man three-legged race and horse shoes, Anasazi pinch pots, and AZ activities galore!  Thank you so much to our parent volunteers for organizing such a wonderful day for our class.  Here are a few shots from today.  Enjoy!

The kiddos called these Lady Gaga glasses and I have to agree with the resemblance!

What an amazing day!