Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Counties and State Symbols Test Tomorrow!

Don't forget that tomorrow is our test!  You not only need to know the names of the 15 counties but you need to place them on the map.  You'll also need to know the state symbols.  Our class has done a fantastic job with these so it should be a breeze! 

Remember the song.  It's a big help!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The New Rascals

We have started the year off with a bang!  I'm enjoying the time I've spent teaching and learning with our group.  It's going to be a fantastic year!  The new Rascal pictures have just been updated on the website.  Check them out!

I'll be sending out our first electronic newsletter this week.  I'll use the emails you gave me Tuesday night.  Look for an update on the latest and greatest from room 19!


Direct link to pictures:  http://www.amphi.com/schools/painted-sky/teacher-staff/mrs-ronnie's-4th-grade/say-cheese.aspx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back to School!

We're back for another fun filled year of learning!  I can't wait to meet all of my new Rascals and visit with my old ones.  Here are a some upcoming dates to be aware of:

Meet the Teacher is Tuesday
Last names A-L 11:00-11:30
Last names M-Z 11:30-12:00

First Day of School
August 10-Wednesday

Parent Orientation 
August 16 @ 6:45

I am SO excited to meet Daniel, Rachel, Tyler, Jamie, Denton, Sophia, Nick, Lindsey, Keiran, Olivia, Michael, Kaiyah, Albert, Maddy, Joey, Annalisa, Mark, Annalise, Matt, Skye, Ben, Kira, Cole, Madison, Ryan, Chloe, Nathan, Hannah, Dakota, Samantha, Roxanne, and Keelan.

You are now Ronnie's Rascals!