Saturday, August 20, 2011

The New Rascals

We have started the year off with a bang!  I'm enjoying the time I've spent teaching and learning with our group.  It's going to be a fantastic year!  The new Rascal pictures have just been updated on the website.  Check them out!

I'll be sending out our first electronic newsletter this week.  I'll use the emails you gave me Tuesday night.  Look for an update on the latest and greatest from room 19!'s-4th-grade.aspx

Direct link to pictures:'s-4th-grade/say-cheese.aspx


  1. i think we r going going to have a FANTASTIC year together!!!!!!!!!see u guys on monday! -sophia

  2. am i the only one blogging?well im done with my spelling homework,math homework,and reading.i cant wait for tomorrow!monday was great.-sophia

  3. Roxys class is awsomeSeptember 14, 2011 at 6:23 PM

    Mrs.Ronnie my computer is not working and I will have to stay in for recess it is mabye internet is not working and I think my password is wrong did you spell it like this cause its correct frankenberg? BYE! :( sorry I can not do my homework.
