Monday, September 12, 2011

Happenings in Room 19!

Hi Everyone!

We're finally getting into the swing of things! The kiddos have adjusted to the life of a fourth grader. I just wanted to give you an overview of where we've been and where we're heading this year!
Math: We are finishing up Unit 2 this week. We'll take our test on Wednesday. In this unit we worked with addition and subtraction of multidigit numbers and review of place value. There were multiple ways taught but the kiddos are always encouraged to use the method that they feel most comfortable with. We also worked on mean, median, mode, and range based on a set of data that we collected. That data was also used to create line plots and bar graphs. Unit 3 is taking us to multiplication and divison of multidigit numbers, number sentences and algebra. It is EXTREMELY important that your child know their multiplication and division facts or they will have a hard time with the coming chapters. Practicing flash cards at home is always helpful. There are also a bunch of practice websites they can access from my website under Extensions/Interventions.

Reading and Language Arts: We finished our first novel unit on Sing Down the Moon. This book tied in nicely with our Social Studies standards. Thank you so much for donating supplies for Navaho Tacos. We had such a great time! This week we started our study of Figurative Language. We'll be covering similes, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, etc. This will tie in nicely with our writing. We'll also be reading various stories out of our Imagine books and our Story Works program. We'll be taking our quiz on the 4 sentence types this week and moving into the different parts of speech. To tie into Social Studies we will be writing our own classroom constitution since Constitution Day is this Saturday. Our constitution will even be made to look like it's 200 years old! The Biography Book Report criteria went home today. This book report is due for everyone on October 3. Check the back of the sheet for the date your child presents. This is always a great assignment!

Spelling: We are on Unit 5. This means that the kiddos are responsible for 25 words at this point. I'll be sending home a list of the words to date this week. To clarify, the kiddos aren't required to complete the bonus sentences on Thursday's dictation. If they do want to try the bonus it will not count against them since they are higher level words. I encourage everyone to always try for the 4!

Social Studies: We started chapter 3 today. This chapter focuses on the Ancient Tribes in Arizona. We'll be learning about the first people to live here such as the Hohokam, Anasazi, Mogollon, Sinagua, etc. The kiddos will be creating flipbooks of their favorite tribes. This is a great chapter since it dives right into the history. The rest of our chapters will continue along the timeline of Arizona's history from here on out. This week we're working on understanding the United States Constitution since Constitution Day is on the 17th. Chapter 4 will consist of the modern tribes in Arizona.

Science: We have been busy with the Scientific Method! We will have a vocab quiz on Thursday. The kiddos have their study guides in their binders. I'm guessing they know them all already. Some of the experiments we've performed have been: Who Can Balance the Longest, Boys or Girls?, Which Diaper Holds the Most Water?, and Which Flavor of Gum Blows the Best Bubble or Stretches the Farthest?. The gum experiment was today and we had the best time chewing gum, blowing bubbles and stretching it across the room and courtyard. It was all in the name of Science! In a couple of weeks we'll be focusing more on Scientists and then moving into Landforms and the Water Cycle.
Field Trips: We're booked for Kartchner Caverns on November 18th! The permisson slip and information came home with your child today. The price of the trip includes the ticket and cost of the busses. I can take 7 chaperones on this trip. Please indicate on the form if you would like to be put in the drawing for chaperones. It is $37 per chaperone. This one of the best field trips and I know the kiddos are excited. We're still hoping to go to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and Tubac in the Spring. This will depend on if we receive enough tax credit money to cover the costs. If you donate please let me know so I can plan accordingly.....and send home a thank you note!
We have a great PTO who does nothing but the best for our kiddos so please consider supporting them!
Here are a list of the upcoming PTO meetings this year.
Sept 15
Oct 20
Nov 17
Dec 8
Jan 19
Feb 9
March 15
April 19
May 10
The volunteer calendar for October and November are up in my office. Be sure to sign up for the days you want when you're in volunteering. If there is a date that you want in advance be sure to let me know. Please check the volunteer calendar for the dates you are signed up for.

The kiddos will begin blogging this week so tune in for their reports. Feel free to call me or email me with any questions. Thank you so much for your support. We have a great group of kiddos and parents!

Mrs. Ronnie