Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Spring Break!

Hi Parents!
Can you believe we are closing out the third quarter!? This year is flying by and the growth that this class is making is amazing. Here are a few updates and answers to your questions…..
I’ve had a few calls and emails about the Tubac trip on May 11. I’m focusing on our Old Pueblo trip right now so I’m unable to guarantee anything for Tubac. There have been so many people that have shared an interest in this trip so I will need to hold a drawing to see who will accompany us. This will be done towards the end of April. There are 3 parent volunteers who have worked in our class every week, the whole year. They have worked with the students and done about every task I could ask of them. These parents will be given the choice to go to Tubac first as a thank you for all of their help. I think there will be about 6 spots left after that. If you go to Tubac you MUST dress in 1885 attire. This is a requirement for all who enter the school house. For Old Pueblo, I will be drawing the names of the chaperones on Friday morning so if you want to join us please send in your yellow form by tomorrow. We’ll also go to the Oro Valley Town Hall on April 27. I really appreciate all the help with these trips. You do make a difference!

Spirit Day is Friday and it’s UofA day! I’ve encouraged all of our class to participate. It is also Student Store on Friday. Our class won 3rd place for the One for Books challenge!!! Thank you so much for helping with this cause. Our kiddos are excited!

Parent Input forms for next year are due this Friday. AIMS testing will be the week of April 16 and I know our class will do fabulous! The quarter grades end on Friday so ALL missing work is due by then. Remember all 1s and 2s (with the exception of a test) can be redone for a higher grade. All redos are due this Friday as well. I’ve been giving the timed tests a couple of times a week for the report cards. The kiddos have improved so much in this area! At this point everyone should be a 3 or a 4. I’ve been sending home the weekly timed tests so you can see the progress. If you would like extra practice sheets for home I’d be happy to send them, just let me know.

We have started our published book! The topic is “The A-Zs of AZ”. Each kiddo has a different letter and everything they write about will start with that letter and have to do with AZ! We’re very excited about this project. Look for order forms to come home after Spring Break.

One of my FAVORITE days of the year is Oscar Night. This night will be held the last week of school and it is such a special night for the kiddos. Over the break I’m going to be working on Oscar Night. If you have taken any pictures of our class at any of the functions I would LOVE to have copies! Please email the pictures or send them in on a disc and I’ll include them in our special night. Thank you!!!

Again, thank you for sharing your kids with me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this group and they make my job so worth it. They’re going to be a hard group to give away. Have a wonderful break and let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Ronnie

1 comment:

  1. wow mrs ronnie that really was a long reminder
