Friday, March 26, 2010

Comin' Down the Home Stretch!

I hope you all had a great and well rested Spring Break! Can you believe we're already in the fourth quarter? The kiddos are almost fifth graders! Here are a few things that are going on in room 25...........

We started chapter 10 in Math. This chapter has dealt with symmetry, reflections, and +/- numbers. We will be taking our test on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Chapter 11 will deal with volume and geometric shapes.

We're on Unit 26 this week for Spelling.

Territorial Arizona has been our focus in Social Studies. We will be taking the test some time next week. I've encouraged the kiddos to start taking their books home now to study. The memory master will come home Monday to help as well. Today we are taking our "Territorial Kids" pictures. These are the pictures that include any and everything that describes each student. They brought in things that reflect who they are.

A to Z books: We've been working on our rough drafts for the A to Z book on Arizona. Each student has a different letter and must come up with things specific to Arizona that start with that letter. For example, if they have the letter C, they might write about the 5C's, the Colorado River, etc. Some of the kiddos will need the weekend to gather more facts to write about. We will begin editing these on Monday so if they don't finish the rough drafts today they will need to work on them this weekend.

Weather is our new Science focus. We will then move into adaptation, mimicry, and camoflouge.

The Power Point book reports are going well. We'll be working on these for the next few weeks.

AIMS testing is the week of April 12-16. We've been working on AIMS prep this week and will continue through the next few weeks. More info will come home as it gets closer.

We head out to the dig site on Thursday for our field trip! Thank you to all who volunteered. Mary Gansheimer, Mary Robbins, Celeste Angelini, and Tee Ward will be joining us! I'll send home a remind again on Wednesday. The next field trip will be on April 26.

I'm needing some extra help with Scrapbooks. I have a bunch of packets that include the supplies and a sample page for you to reproduce. It's mainly gluing and cutting. If you would be willing to help out with this I would SO appreciate it! Please send me an email and I'll send home the kits. Thank you!

Report Cards come home today. Please send back the envelope with a signature on Monday.

Let's make the final quarter a great one!

Mrs. Ronnie

1 comment:

  1. dggrgrgrfbgbng I tricked you I pwn noobs


