Friday, March 11, 2011

Freaked Out Friday!!!

First we did our Spelling test!!!
Then we did our math review and our tests.
I hope evryone did good!!!
Then after the test we did social studies lesson 5 in Chapter 9 (AZ's growing cities).
Then we went to the book fair. Hooory!!
After the book fair we went to lunch.
Then we we played with fly swatters in music!!!!Splat
After that we made our own clouds with foam.  The four cloud types are Cirrus,Stratus,cululonimbus and culumus.
Then FREAKY!!!!!!!

Marcella and Tarriq ARE AWESOME!


  1. Freaky was so much fun

  2. it was not fun it was super super ultra fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I can not wait until I get to know you Mrs.Ronnie. I love your classroom!!!!!!!!! email me at see you tomorrow for 2 day of school!!!
