Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wonderful Wednesdays!

First,we did D.O.R.,then we had 9:00.When we came back we graded D.O.R..After that we did math:5.3-estimate sums.We handed out our math tests.I got a three!Nathan also got a three.Then we worked on our final drafts of our scarecrow stories.  We both finished our scarecrows.  After recess we learned about a bunch of speleothems.  Ask your parents what a speleothem is?  We also played Cave concentration and had some extra time to finish up math.  After lunch we had time to catch up on all of our assignments and we even had time for study hall.  Then we went home!

Remember that book orders are due tomorrow and start to get your journal 2s for next semester. 

Bloggers out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Michael and Nathan)


  1. Thx for the reminder guys! -Sophia!!!!!!!!!

  2. Perfect job! -Sophia!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi today we had friend ship stew and pumpkin pie,corn bread.It was so Good!I hope someone bloggs with me!!!

    Maddy blogging Out
